Website Support & Maintenance

Website Support & Maintenance

Maintenance is the core of any business to run smooth as it fills the gap of flaws occurred during functionality. It helps business across the globe to perform to its best while assuring security boundaries. So, if you intend to make your business website experience structured expertise, Maviq Software is your one-step solution.


Imagine us as your internal team for website maintenance and development. Simply send your updates and modification requests to us, and we will take care of the rest. Your task will be promptly and precisely completed as requested.

In addition to maintenance, our affordable website maintenance services take care of all your website aspects so that you won’t have to worry about. These way businesses can stay focused and do not lag behind competitors on Google. We include website performance improvements, SEO, social media updates, load speed, daily backups, and whatever else you need us to do for your website!



  • 24/7 Support

A full stacked team ready providing support round the clock via Email, text, Live chat, phone throughout the week.

  • Website Updates

If you wish to make changes on your website, add new pages or edit out some, include images of products and services, we can do it all. Keeping a schedule of posting, the team will makes adequate changes.

  • Speed and Maintenance

Speed of the website is the key to success as none likes a slow website. With proper maintenance, the issues of the running website will get resolved in the blink of an eye.

  • Hosting and Emails

Strong, incredibly fast dedicated servers with a 99.99 percent uptime, maintenance monitors daily backups and security, making your website access seamless.


Nowadays, having a website is wonderful and practically required because it informs potential customers about your company’s location, hours of operation, and, of course, the products you offer. However, it will only be helpful if users can locate it.

Due to the intense competition, you must make sure that your website appears high in search results for your intended audience. Making this happen requires numerous factors, but one of the most crucial is ensuring that it is up to date. This happens only when a website is kept well maintained with ultimate support from a professional team who will assure your website is above the competition in the Google listing.